Abadié Pierre-Marie, Adam Patricia, Aimar Boudon Ève, Airiau Monique-Emmanuelle, Alaouret Valérie, Allié Gérard, Allier Philippe, Allies Paul, Amann Thomas, Anxolabehere-Mallart Elodie, Arriola Isabelle, Artieres Daniel, Aubertin Patrick, Aubriot Sylvie, Audon Philippe, Audouard Emmanuelle, Augeix Michel, Augustin-Deprouw Stéphanie, Auzet Virginie, Avignon Robin, Aymé Philippe, Aymé Sylviane, Azario Laurence, Azencot Myriam, Baconnet Ophélie, Badré Annie, Bakes Denis, Balavoine Sylvie, Balivet Gérard, Ballot-Levy Marie-Louise, Barazer Frédérique, Barthélémy Yves, Bartos Jan, Batut Dubost Christine, Baudry Henri-Georges, Baumont Vincent, Bazin Michel, Beck Saiello Emilie, Bejot Sandrine, Belaud Patrice, Bellocq Sindy, Bensmaine Frédéric, Berard Marion, Bertoluzza Lisa, Bitter Isabelle, Blanc Jan, Bloch Anne, Bloch Régine, Bocquet Christiane, Bogros Elisabeth, Boissière Nathalie, Boissonnade Jean-Louis, Bonnefis Jean Claude, Bonnot Manuella, Bornati Gabriele, Bouchendhomme Claire, Bouchez David, Bouchez Elsa, Bouez Denis, Bougheroumi Mohamed, Boulle Sylvie, Boullé Jacques, Bournerias Irina et François, Bousser Marie-Germaine, Boutaudou Jean-Yves, Boutrouelle-Bellec Chloé, Bouvier Paul, Bouvier Gentien Blandine, Boyer Pascale, Boyer Philippe, Boyer Serge, Brandon Pierre-Louis, Briard Michel, Brun Dominique, Brunet Fabien, Bursztein Béatrice, Buvot Philippe, Buzelin Georges, Cabrol Céline, Camacho Caroline et Xavier, Campeaux Jérôme, Canet Olivier, Canetty Yael, Cantel Marie-Pierre, Capoulade Annie, Cardoze Étienne, Cariou Jean-Baptiste, Cariou Guy et Lise, Cariou Nadine, Caro Catherine, Carré Anne-Laure, Cartier Jean-Francois, Carton Jean-Pierre, Chalmet Émilie, Chalumeau Françoise, Chamboredon Arlette, Chanal Béatrice, Chateau Guenolé, Chaumeron Marc, Chaumin Cécile, Chen Julie, Chevaillier Jérôme, Chottard Geneviève, Christine Henry, Cohen Claude, Cohen Jonathan, Cohen-Solal Michel, Coicaud Céline, Coidan Smorgrav Christel, Colombier Claire, Colonna Jean , Compagne Guy, Coquelin Bernard, Corneau Brigitte, Cossa Cécile, Costa Le Vaillant Gwenaelle, Costantini Muriel, Costi Nathalie, Coueffe Éric, Coursaris Ariadne, Coviaux Aurélie, Creange Evelyne, Crombez Evelyne, Cuer Odile, Daniel Bastien, De Chabalier Yvonne, De Lachaise Thierry, De Montvalon Hugues, Debaille Hubert, Debrois Marie-françoise et Jean-François, Debrus Françoise, Dechartres Claudine, Degoud Marie-Christine, Deharvengt Claire, Delage Pierre, Deljarrit Laëtitia, Demotes-Mainard Bertrand, Dequeker Cécile, Desenclos Camille, Desgraupes Bernard, Desjardins Loïc, Desouches Brigitte, Devouge Claire, Dietz Yves, Doumerc Sophie, Dubief Valérie-Anne, Dufour Hubert, Dujardin Jean, Dumielle Roger, Dumont Patrick, Dumortier Isabelle et Jean-François, Dupont-Zacot Éliane, Duranton Francis, Dutendas Nathalie, Duval Gilles, Eisenmann Hélène, Engler Prune, Enkiri Michel, Epstein Nicolas, Erin Christine, Ernst André, Ernst Sophie, Fauchoix Alain, Fauquet Daniel, Faure Armelle, Febrer Jean-Pierre, Felsenheld François, Feray Cyrille, Fesdjian Huguette, Feuerhahn Heinrich, Feydel Anne, Flasaquier Michèle, Flores Philippe, Forest Florent, Forlani Marie-Hélène, Fouchard Bruno, Fournier Aurélie, Fournier Michel, Fournier Patrice, Fraitag Martine et Bruno, François Simonne, Fritz Claudia, Frugier Elisabeth, Gachot Anne-Marie, Galisson Patrick, Gallet Jean, Gallet Philippe, Gardy Martine, Garmendia Xavier, Garnier Roger, Gasquet Daniel, Gauthier Patrick, Gauthier Villeflose Diane, Gautier Anne, Gauvrit Mathurin, Gazeau Michel-André, Gelin Jean-Marc, Gentilhomme Emmanuel, Georges Colette, Georges Jean-Paul, Gilliot Marc, Ginisty Danielle, Giot Felicité, Girardin Christian, Giraud Michèle, Giraud Pascale, Gluck Daniel, Gode Jean-Michel, Gondran Cécile, Goubin Christelle, Goudier Jean-Pierre, Gouillieux Christine, Green Raul, Gregory Serge, Grimault Fj, Grondin Louis, Grundrich Pascal, Gschwind Geneviève, Guegnolle Hélène, Guering Paul, Guerlain Matthieu, Guerrucci Marie, Guimon Hervé, Haeberlin Claire, Haguenauer Claude, Harlouchet Maryse, Hashimoto Miki, Hauser Étienne, Hemmer Daniel, Henguat Gilles, Henriet Emmanuelle, Heride Florence, Hermann Ulrich, Herouard Marie-France, Hershkovitch Corinne, Hertz Bénédicte, Hervieu-leger Danièle, Hervy Isabelle, Herz Olivier, Heutre Carine, Hilaire Suzanne, Holl Jean-marie, Honoré-Hardy Annie, Hubert Florence, Hucheloup Laëtitia, Hugodot Florence, Hully Christian, Humbert Clotilde, Illiano Patrick, Intrator Hélène, Izar Laurence, Jacques Catherine, Joigneaux Anne, Joudiou Thomas, Jussiaume Anne, Kakehi Akie, Kassa-Heidelberger Anne-Sylvie, Kencker Hélène, Kepeklian Gabriel, Khochmatlian Gladys et Mesrob, Klein Lorena, Kuntz Damien, Labalette Pascale, Lacombe Bertrand, Lacoste Marielle et Jean, Lacouture Cécile, Lafarge Delphine, Laffaille Jean-Pascal, Lafron Gouillieux Silene, Laine Brigitte, Lair Jacques, Laks Annette, Lalloum Ferre Claude, Lampre Charlotte, Laot Laurent, Larger Emmanuel, Laszlo Pierre, Lattès Aline, Laurent Étienne, Le Bars Marie, Le Blanche André, Le Coz Marie-Claude, Le Moing Annick, Le Port Claire et Robert, Le Strat Yann, Lecat Sylvie , Leconte Françoise, Lecourt Édith, Lefebvre Nicolas., Lefebvre Garros Martine, Lefevre Danielle, Lefèvre Thibault, Lefranc Bénédicte, Legall Pierre, Léger Sylviane, Lejoyeux Édith, Lelievre Marie-Josée, Lemaire Frédéric, Lemoine Michel, Lenormand Lucie, Leo Roland, Levassort Audray, Lhomme François, Likforman Joseph, Livartowski Joël, Lombart Emmanuel, Loy Maurice, Luccisano Béatrice, Lusson Stéphane, Machatsche Karola, Madesclaire Isabelle, Mainnemare Marie-Aude, Malecki Valérie, Malpart Dominique, Mansuy Françoise, Mantel Romain, Maquaire-Poulalhon Jocelyne, Margaillan Jean-Claude, Marie Laurent, Marienne Jean-Pierre, Markovitch Mathilde, Marquet Simon, Martin Lucie, Marx Gandebeuf Lena, Mathieu Françoise, Mathieu Odile, Maugé Richard, Maulvault Denise, Mayer Monique, Mazouer François, Mazza Michel, Megrot Pierre, Mejia Carlos, Mejia Fernando, Meppen Hannah et Mathilde, Mercier Chantalle, Meyer Xuan Mi, Michalet Marie-Thérèse, Michel François, Michel Marc, Migeon-Albouse Hélène, Mikolajczuk Ewa, Milicevic Élise, Milman Jean, Milois Michèle, Milot Marie-Christine, Minassian Marie-José, Mion Nathanaël, Mitzmacher Alain, Molinas Thierry, Mollon Jacqueline, Molveaux Christiane, Mona-Besson Françoise, Montrieux Aude, Moriceau Pierre, Mosconi Nicole, Mougenot Jacques, Moumen Nawel, Muller Marie-Thérèse, Najnudel Judi, Nakajima Martha, Neant Dany, Nee Nicole, Nemo Florence, Nicaud Jean-François, Nief Michel, Olivier Sylvie, Oriol Luc, Oudet Stéphane, Palasset Emmanuelle, Pardo Nicole, Pautrot Jean-François, Péard Stéphane, Peguiron Samuel, Pensec Marie-Christine, Perricaudet Michel, Perrin Denis, Personne Jean-Jacques, Peskine Jacques, Petit Sophie, Phan Cuc, Philibert-Mahe Hélène, Philippeau Clément, Pialoux Cordula, Picard Hélène, Pidoux Bernard, Pierrat Jacques, Pinault Maryvonne, Pingeot Danièle, Pitavy Georges, Pitavy Raphaëlle, Plourin Yannick, Polge Henri, Ponnoussamy Laurent, Porlouis Nicolas, Poulain Yann, Pourcin-Jury Valérie, Prat Arielle, Prevost Sylvain, Prevot Catherine, Prokhoris Sabine, Quereillahc Sylvie, Quernin Clément, Quesnel Charles André, Ramade Isabelle, Randria Zarasoa, Raynaud-Lacroze Paul-Olivier, Reboul Régis, Regelink Kleijnjan Zwier, Regnault Gaston, Remi Julien, Reuter Ulrike, Riet-Vuarcher Mireille, Robin Jacqueline, Roby Sylvie, Rochlin Michèle, Rogy Emmanuel, Rosefsky Douglas, Roth Olivier, Roze Odile, Ruaux Martine, Sabliere Claude Et Bernard, Sackur Marc, Sahut Henri, Salamagne Michèle, Salanoubat Célia, Sauclières Françoise, Savin Guillaume, Sayegh Marie Odile, Scheid Pierre, Schellenberg Chantal, Schmitt Claire, Schneps Leila, Schwab Nelly, Scolan Daniel, Sdika Anne-Laure, Serre Odile, Seydoux Geneviève, Sifferlen Hervé, Simon François, Simon Maud, Sliosberg Pierre, Smulevici Sarah, Solignac Jean-Marc, Soulas Catherine, Spector Nissan, Spengler Geneviève, Stanchina Michèle, Stuhrenberg Judith, Surjous Clément, Tadier Monique, Taldu Gilles, Talon Céline, Tassemka Cécile, Tedesco-oricchiella Carine, Terrail Tarja, Teulon Lyonel, Texier Pierre, Thénint Thibaud, Theuillon Micheline, Thevenin-Lemoine Brigitte et Édouard, Thiriot Picouet Marianne, Thomas Brigitte, Tiano Lise, Todea Mariette, Toffin François, Touboul Anaëlle, Tourne Aurore, Toxopeus Véronique, Tran Plan, Uri Noëlle, Vacher Yannick, Vaillant Willy, Van Wersch Léonard, Vannieuwenhuyze Louis, Vannieuwenhuyze Nicolas, Vaquier Franck, Vaquin Jacqueline et Jean-Baptiste, Varnet Jean, Vauth Édith, Veaux Djenane, Vergnaud Anne, Veyret Marie-Paule, Videcoq Jacqueline, Vigneron Claudine, Vilbert Maëlle, Vincens Bernard, Vivier Lucie, Wajsbrot Catherine, Wang Sophie, Waret Dominique, Weill Isabelle, Weller Marc, Wemelle Michèle, Wierzbicki Françoise, Yang Fan, Yehya Mireille, Yoshizawa Masaki, Zabé Suzanne
How to contribute From the Friends Association to the Circle of Major Patrons
Welcoming Ukrainian musicians
The Philharmonie de Paris has entrusted the Associate Director of the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra, Anna Stavychenko, with organizing the arrival of Ukrainian musicians. These women were hired as substitutes or additional musicians in several French orchestras.
Since last April, about fifteen musicians, coming from the Kyiv Chamber Orchestra, the Symphony Orchestra of the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, the National Ensemble of soloists Kyivska Camerata, the Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra, the Dnipro Philharmonic Orchestra or the Kharkiv Philharmonic Orchestra, have taken part in selected rehearsals and concerts of the Orchestre de Paris, resident and associate ensembles, and other orchestras in France.
The Association Française des Orchestres (AFO), the Réunion des Opéras de France (ROF) and the professional syndicate Les Forces Musicales spontaneously joined forces with the Philharmonie in order to create a nationwide network of orchestras capable of supporting this initiative.
Many patrons took action in this emergency situation by providing financial and material assistance to welcome and accomodate the musicians and their families.
- Friends of the Philharmonie de Paris, to help with our day-to-day endeavours (annual donation of €250 to €5000): as a member of the Friends Association, you enjoy advantages such as special ticket prices / conditions and member-only activities such as rehearsals, exclusive cocktail parties and discussions, participation to an annual music trip.
Learn more about the Friends of the Philharmonie - Circle of Major Patrons, to play an integral role in the Philharmonie’s major aspirations, hand in hand with its leadership (annual donation from €15,000): you take part in strategic reflections on the Philharmonie and music trips designed exclusively for your Circle;
- Philharmonie de Paris Foundation – Wherever you are in the world, your support for our long-term projects can qualify for tax benefits: donations are tax deductible in a number of countries (Europe and United States, see conditions in force) thanks to systems such as TGE (Transnational Giving Europe).
Démos is a cultural democratization project supported by the Philharmonie de Paris since 2010. It is dedicated to children aged 7 to 12 from neighbourhoods covered by the city policy or from rural areas with insufficient cultural institutions. Demos entrusts these children with a musical instrument for three years. Gathered in symphony orchestras in their area, supervised by professional musicians and social workers, the children discover the pleasure of playing together. Each year, they present the results of their work to the general public at an annual concert at the Philharmonie de Paris, or in the regions.
Lilian Thuram and Khatia Buniatishvili are the patrons of Démos.
There are currently 50 Demos orchestras in operation throughout France, representing over 5,000 young musicians!
There are different ways to support Démos: make a micro-donation when you buy concert tickets; make a one-off donation; make a monthly donation; become a member of the Cercle Démos; participate in the Donate to Démos campaigns...
Every donation counts to help us equip young Démos musicians with musical instruments!
Make a donation by cheque to Démos
Companies, foundations and individuals can contribute to this adventure: contact us to imagine how you can be associated with this beautiful project!
The Philharmonie de Paris Foundation Ensuring good stewardship of your contribution
By supporting the Foundation, you make an important contribution not only for spectators today, but also for future audiences. The Philharmonie de Paris Foundation supports long-term initiatives in four key areas:
- musical excellence, to preserve one of the Philharmonie’s core values;
- musical heritage, through the exceptional collection at the Museum of Music;
- reaching new audiences and the broadest possible population, through educational actions;
- supporting young talents, to help the next generation of musicians emerge.
In 2016, the Philharmonie de Paris Foundation made possible the creation of one of the new Démos orchestras.
If you wish to make a contribution with long-lasting and decisive impact, the Philharmonie de Paris is also accredited to receive bequests and legacy donations.
In France, donations to the Philharmonie de Paris Foundation are 75% deductible from the tax on capital IFI (property wealth tax).
The Philharmonie thanks you
The Cité de la Musique - Philharmonie de Paris would like to thank all of its special patrons: Major Patrons, Major Donors of the Cercle Démos, Friends of the Philharmonie de Paris and donors of crowdfunding campaigns. Thanks to them, we are deploying ever more ambitious and creative initiatives!
Musique en scène fouding sponsor
Madame Aline Foriel Destezet
Founding Sponsors
Patricia Barbizet, Alain Rauscher, Philippe Stroobant
Main Patrons
Maryse and Thierry Aulagnon, Jean Bouquot, Véronique and Antoine Le Bourgeois, Catherine and Marc Litzler, Maddalena and Xavier Marin, Joséphine de Bodinat-Moreno and Xavier Moreno, Ghislaine and Frédéric Sanchez
Major Patrons
Yves Pépin, Claire Tranchimand.
Patron Ambassadors
Pascal Abensour, Olivier Belze, Olivier Blat, Gilles Boissonnet, Bernard Bourdier, Marie-Germaine Bousser, Jean-Marc Daillance, Adeline de Jaeghere, Frédéric Dufal, Françoise Fournier, Philippe Gallet, Cyril Germain, Olivier Huby, Marie-Laure and Hubert Jousset, William Kadouch-Chassaing, Edith Doucet and Stéphane Keita, Susan Lindsay, Maryvonne Pinault, Judith Pisar, Christine and Éric Raynaud, Guillaume Rouger, Ashley Rountree, Claudine Théodore, François-Xavier Villemin.
Démos Circle
Pascal Abensour, Anne-Marie et Éric Bachelet, Gilles Boissonnet, Thérèse Bauer, Olivier Blat, Marie-Germaine Bousser, Jean-Claude Champossin, Isabelle et Jean-Pierre Cojan, Marie-Noëlle et Emmanuel de Boisgrollier, Adeline de Jaeghere, Étienne de Laharpe, Guy Dogimont, Frédéric Dufal, Mary Duffy, Alain Dumont, Francine et François Farhi, Jacques Fournier, Philippe Gallet, Nicky Gentil, Catherine Ollivier et François Gerin, Nicolas Hubert, Martine Jacot-Denis, Marie-Laure et Hubert Jousset, Edith Doucet et Stéphane Keita, Marie-Aude Lacour, Delphine Lafarge, Véronique et Antoine Le Bourgeois, Susan Lindsay, Catherine et Marc Litzler, Hélène et Jacques Massot, Richard Maugé, Joséphine et Xavier Moreno, Sylvie Navellou, Jean-Philippe Pagès et Guillaume Robigault, Maryvonne Pinault, Laurette et Bruno Prigent, Alain Rauscher, Christine et Éric Raynaud, Jean-Philippe Saint-Geours, Ghislaine et Frédéric Sanchez, Jean-Marc Solignac, Philippe Stroobant, Claudine Théodore, Claire Tranchimand, Anne Vergnaud, Anne-Sylvie Visseur-Vauclair, Danielle Wajsbrot.
Friends of the Philharmonie de Paris Association
François Brouat, Jean-François Debrois, Elisabeth de Rothschild, Julien Dubois, Sylvain et Angeline Guyoton, Alice et Jeremy Haddak, Laurent Lotteau, Valérie Meeus, Ishtar Méjanès, Nils Mengin, Sylvie Moreau et Dominique Miellet, Cyrille Niedzielski, Michel Perricaudet, Claude Prigent, Guillaume Rouger, Laurence Tafanel, Philippe Villin
Jad Ariss, Jean-Daniel Augiron et Joanna Chojnacka, , Eliot Baudoin, Monique Behrend, Henri Bieder, Jean-François Boulet, François et Irina Bournerias, Christian Broches, Laurent Cabanès, Florence Chaveneau, Claude Cohen, Bastien Daniel, Anne-Marie de Camas, Laurent Doubrovine, Clémence Durvye, Jacques Dutronc, Madeleine Erbs, Stéphane Eustache, Louise Fauduet, Hortense et Jérôme Gallois, Baptiste et Svetlana Gelpi, Victor Grandguillaume, Bernard Guedj, Eve Icole, Sophie Hourdouillie, Pierre Leroy, Gonzague Leruth, Danielle Lipman W. Boccara, Paolo Mangiagalli, Didier Martin, Simon Marquet, Jacques Merceron-Vicat, Françoise Montenay, Marcela Montes de Oca, Claude Nordman, Xavier Noury, Adrien Ollat, Aldric Ortmans, Jean-François Pautrot, Jean-Philippe Ricard, Bertrand Schmitt, Jean Ruscio, Tarja Terrail, Christian Toquard, Charles-Eduard Van Rossum, Laurent Verbouwe and Nicolas Bernard
giving for DÉMOS
The Philharmonie de Paris thanks the 3,082 donors of the Donnons pour Démos 2020-21 campaign. Their donations will make it possible to equip 16 new Demo orchestras with musical instruments.
Thanks to the generosity of 545 donors, the Philharmonie de Paris was able to acquire a National Treasure to join the collection of the Musée de la musique in July 2020: Andrea Amati's bass violin, made in 1572 by this founder of the school of violin making in Cremona, precursor of Antonio Stradivari. Thank you to each of you for your trust and support!
List of donors to the Amati cello acquisition campaign
Luthiers de demain sponsoring campaign
Cécile Cossa, Jean-Noël Coucoureux, Dominique Couturier-Heller, Daniel Poorters, Hubert Debaille, Martine Debieuvre, Cécile Dequeker, Claude Doumet-Pincet, Bernard Duché, Louise Fauduet, Armelle Faure, Véronique Flouest, Aurélie Fournier, Bruno Et Martine Fraitag, Patrick Galisson, Anne Gautier, Chantal Gauvain, Baptiste Et Svetlana Gelpi, Danielle Ginisty, Fabienne Greff Devivaise, Maryse Harlouchet, Daniel Hemmer, Olivier Herz, Jean-Marie Holl, Christian Hully, Anne Jussiaume, Hélène Kencker, Jean-Pierre Lacour, Marie-Claude Le Coz, Yann Le Strat, Francis Lecompte, Françoise Leconte, Marie Josée Lelievre, Françoise Leloup, Ghislaine Lemaire, Marc Madiou, Marie-Claude Mansotte, Rémy Marchand, Marie-Christine Marien, Jean-Pierre Marienne, Lucie Martin, Richard Maugé, Carlos Mejia, Michèle Missenard, Alain Mitzmacher, Christiane Molveaux, Christophe Monin, Françoise Mutschler, François Pautrat, Stéphane Péard, Bernard Pesson, Thi Bach Cuc Phan, Jacques Pierrat, Serge Popoff, Armelle Prokop, Sylvie Quereillahc, Jean-Jacques Rampal, Régis Reboul, Zwier Regelink Kleijnjan, Paul-Etienne Remy, Ulrike Reuter, Florence Rey, Hubert Et Hélène Richard, Patrick Robin, Christine Rousseau, Michèle Salamagne, Celia Salanoubat, Pascal Seray, Hervé Sifferlen, Nissan Spector, Antoinette Szejnman, Gilles Taldu, Brigitte Et Edouard Thevenin-Lemoine, Catherine Thierry, Mariette Todea, François Toffin, Benoit Vasseur, Nicolas Vernier, Jean-Claude Vignaut, Kazuko Yoshida