Languages: French and English (simultaneous translation)
This conference can be seen as part of the ongoing studies of despoiled cultural property (by way of seizures, looting, forced sales, etc.). A great deal of work has been carried out in various institutions, including museums, on despoiled works of art, and more recently on despoiled books. The Philharmonie de Paris and more particularly the Musée de la musique and its Conservation & Research team, wish to play their part in research on looting in the musical field: provenance research, market and circulation of musical instruments, stakeholders and their networks, etc.
The history of music during the Nazi period in France and Europe has been the subject of many studies and works over the last decade. For example, the conference “La musique à Paris sous l'Occupation” (Music in Paris under the Occupation) (Cité de la musique, 13-14 May 2013, Fayard, 2013) focused on the activity of composers and musicians during this period. The study day “La musique spoliée” (Despoiled music) (Sciences Po, January 2020) set out the various aspects of the subject (history of the spoliation of instruments, music books and scores, memorial approach). This international conference is dedicated specifically to the musical instrument as a heritage and cultural asset.
This symposium has received support from the Fondation pour la Mémoire de la Shoah and the Goethe-Institut.
Watch the symposium on Philharmonie à la demande.
Olivier Mantei (General Manager, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris)
Marie-Pauline Martin (Director, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris)
10am – KEYNOTE – Carla Shapreau (Senior Fellow, Institute of European Studies; Curator, Ansley K. Salz Collection of Stringed Instruments, Department of Music; Lecturer, School of Law · University of California, Berkeley)
"Nazi-Era Looting of Musical Instruments -- Taking Stock"
11am – Break
SESSION 1 – History of the spoliation of musical instruments between 1933 and 1945
Session chair: Claire Andrieu
11:30am – Patricia Kennedy Grimsted (Senior Research Associate, Ukrainian Research Institute; Associate, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies · Harvard University), “Archival Trails for Displaced Musicalia”
12pm – Boris von Haken (Lecturer, Universität des Saarlandes), "The 'Reichsministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda' and the Spoliation of Cultural Property in Western-Europe"
12:30pm- 2:30pm – Lunch Break
SESSION 2 – Sources to use when investigating spoliations?
Session chair: Myriam Chimènes
2:30pm – Kathrin Kleibl (Provenance researcher, Project manager "Auctions of Jewish Emigrants’ removal goods in Bremen and Hamburg after 1939/LostLift-Database", German Martime Museum – Leibniz Institute for Maritime History), "Auctioned musical instruments from the belongings of Jewish emigrants in Hamburg"
3pm – Christine Laloue (Curator, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris), “The private archives of the Musée de la musique”
3:30pm – Élise Petit (Director of the Musicology Department, Université Grenoble Alpes), “New sources for the identification of instruments despoiled in Nazi concentration camps”
4pm – Break
4:30pm – Déborah Livet (Lecturer in Musicology, Université de Rouen; Associate researcher, HISTEMÉ) and Emanuele Marconi (Director, Wind Instruments Museum, La Couture-Boussey), “1940-1944, the Occupation at La Couture-Boussey: museum and workshops”
4:45pm – Pauline Hanson (Provenance researcher, Technische Universität Berlin), " ‘Er vermutet den Vater, ich den Sohn’ – a cello with no name or trace"
“Sources to use when researching provenance?”
Moderator: Isabelle Rouge-Ducos
- Sébastien Chauffour (Conservateur en chef chargé des archives de la Récupération artistique/ZFO Allemagne-Autriche 1945-1955, Direction des Archives, Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères)
- Vincent Tuchais (Responsable de collecte et de classement, Direction des Affaires culturelles, Archives de Paris)
- Lucile Chartain (Chargée d'études documentaires, Département de l'Exécutif et du Législatif, Pôle Guerres mondiales, Archives nationales)
- Carla Shapreau (Senior Fellow, Institute of European Studies; Curator, Ansley K. Salz Collection of Stringed Instruments, Department of Music; Lecturer, School of Law · University of California, Berkeley)
- Monika Löscher (Provenance researcher, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien)
6:15pm – Break
6:30pm – SCREENING: "Looted music, the secret treasure of the Nazis". Documentary directed by Isabelle Gendre (Thematics Prod – 2021)
SESSION 3 – Provenance research in museums (I)
Session chair: Monika Löscher
9:30am – Pascale Vandervellen (Curator of keyboard instruments, Musée des instruments de musique, Brussels) and Claire Chantrenne (Librarian, archivist, in charge of Instruments from the Far East, Musée des Instruments de Musique, Brussels) “On the origins of the collections at the MIM”
10am – Mathilde Caër (Provenance researcher, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris) and Fabienne Gaudin (Head of Documentation, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris), “Provenance research on the acquisitions of the Musée de la musique since 1933: state of work and initial results”
10:30am – Constance Gaudin (Graduate, specialist in Law and Taxation in the Art Market, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), “Searching for the provenance of an OAR-listed musical instrument”
10:45am – Thierry Maniguet (Curator, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris), “The MNR Erard harp in the Musée de la musique, a case study in provenance research”
11:30am – Visit of the Musée de la musique
12:30pm-2:30pm Lunch Break
SESSION 4 – Sources of the musical instrument trade
Session chair: Ines Rotermund-Reynard
2:30pm – Jean-Philippe Échard (Curator, Musée de la musique, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris), “Early violin trade and appraisal records: essential sources for provenance research”
3pm – Theresa Sepp (Project Manager "Unique Source Material on the German Art Trade: Digitization and Indexing of the Hand Copies of the Catalogs of the Munich Auction House Hugo Helbing (1887 to 1937"), Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte) and Birgit Jooss (Project Manager "Dealers, Collectors and Museums: The Julius Böhler Art Gallery in Munich, Lucerne, Berlin and New York", Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte), "What can Munich art trade sources contribute to provenance research on musical instruments? Annotated Hand Catalogs of the Auction House Hugo Helbing (1887-1937) and the Card Index System of the Art Dealership Julius Böhler (founded 1880)"
3:30pm – Laurence Libin (Emeritus Curator of musical instruments, The Metropolitan Museum of Art), "Recovering a Tielke Cithrinchen"
3:45pm – Break
SESSION 5 – The art market and spoliations
Session chair: Jean-Philippe Échard
4:15pm – Benjamin Hebbert (Specialist consultant, expert and dealer in fine violins, violas, cellos and bows), "Spoliation and the violin trade: A 21st Century Dealer’s View"
4:45pm – Jean-Jacques Rampal and Jonathan Marolle (Luthiers, Atelier Vatelot-Rampal), “On the importance of searching for the provenance of string quartet instruments as part of international trade”
“Stakeholders in the instrument market and the issue of spoliation”
Moderator: Emmanuelle Polack
- Étienne Laurent (Auctioneer, Vichy-Enchères)
- Jean-Jacques Rampal (Chairman and Managing Director of S.A.S. Vatelot-Rampal, Expert violin maker for the Paris Court of Appeal)
- Jonathan Marolle (Partner of the Atelier Vatelot-Rampal, Expert violin maker for the Paris Court of Appeal)
- Olivier Krieger (Codirector, École de lutherie de Brienz)
- Dominique Ribeyre (Auctioneer; Member of the CIVS)
SESSION 6 – Provenance research in museums (II)
Session chair: Frank P. Bär
9:30am – Monika Löscher (Provenance researcher, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien) "Provenance research in the Collection of Historic Musical Instruments in the Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien"
10am – Heike Marianne Fricke (Provenance researcher and project manager, Universität Leipzig), "Paul Kaiser-Reka’s collection of musical instruments in the Musikinstrumentenmuseum der Universität Leipzig (MIMUL) "
10:30am – Christian Klösch (Historian and provenance researcher, Technisches Museum Wien), “Provenance Research of the Musical Instrument Collection at the Technisches Museum Wien (TMW)”
10:45am – Break
SESSION 7 – Collection histories (I)
Session chair: Yannick Simon
11:15am – Stephan Turmalin (Fellow, Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, Vienna), "The collection of instruments of the private association of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde"
11:45am – Dominik von Roth (GNM coordinator of the action plan, Leibniz Research Museums), “Provenance Research at the Base – The Rück Project – Challenges and perspectives”
12:15pm – Miriam Noa (Head of Collection of the Music Department, Münchner Stadtmuseum) and Regina Prinz (Responsible for the provenance research, Münchner Stadtmuseum), "A music museum for the 'Capital of the Movement'? Georg Neuner and the foundation of Munich City Museum’s music collection"
12:30pm-2:30pm Lunch Break
SESSION 8 – Collection histories (II)
Session chair: Jean-Marc Dreyfus
2:45pm – Bret Werb (Curator, US Holocaust Memorial Museum) and Stella Smith (Acquisitions Department, Library of Congress), "Music Collections and Musical Instrument Curation at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum"
3:15pm – Jennifer Verson (Research Fellow, School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures, University of Warwick), "Musical Scores in the archives of the Jewish Museum of Prague"
3:30pm – Florence Gétreau (Director Emeritus of research at the CNRS, Institut de recherche en musicologie (IReMus-UMR 8223)), “The Musée instrumental du Conservatoire de Paris from 1933 to 1945: its collections, the 'Chantier intellectuel 1969', its mission, leaders and results”
4pm – Break
4:30pm – ROUNDTABLE 3
“Civil society and public policies”
Moderator: Claire Bommelaer
- Pascale Bernheim (Co-Founder of the association Musique et Spoliations)
- Corinne Hershkovitch (Lawyer, Co-Founder of the association Musique et Spoliations)
- David Zivie (Director of the Mission for the Research and Restitution of Cultural Property Looted between 1933 and 1945, Ministry of Culture)
- Sonia Wieder-Atherton (Cellist)
- Claire Chastanier (Assistant to the Deputy Director of Collections, Service des musées de France, Direction des collections, Ministère de la Culture)
5:45pm – Conclusions
Scientific Committee
- Claire Andrieu (University Professor, Sciences Po)
- Karine le Bail (Research Fellow, CNRS)
- Frank P. Bär (Head of Instrumental Collection and Research Services, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg; President of the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Instruments and Music, ICOM-CIMCIM)
- Pascale Bernheim (Co-Founder of the association Musique et Spoliations)
- Myriam Chimènes (Emeritus Research Director, CNRS)
- Jean-Marc Dreyfus (University of Manchester; Associated Researcher, Centre d'histoire de Sciences Po)
- Jean-Philippe Échard (Curator in charge of string instruments, Musée de la musique)
- Corinne Hershkovitch (Lawyer, Co-Founder of Musique et Spoliations)
- Emmanuel Hondré (Director of the concerts and performances department, Cité de la musique – Philharmonie de Paris)
- Christine Laloue (Curator in charge of private archives, harpsichords and artworks, Musée de la musique)
- Monika Löscher (Provenance Research Commission, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien)
- Jonathan Marolle (Partner of the Atelier Vatelot-Rampal, Expert violin maker for the Paris Court of Appeal)
- Marie-Pauline Martin (Director, Musée de la Musique, Cité de la Musique – Philharmonie de Paris)
- France Nerlich (Art historian, university professor, director of the department of studies and research of the Institut national d’histoire de l’art)
- Emmanuelle Polack (Project Manager, Musée du Louvre)
- Jean-Jacques Rampal (Chairman and Managing Director of S.A.S. Vatelot-Rampal, Expert violin maker at the Paris Court of Appeal)
- Inès Rotermund-Reynard (Project manager of the Répertoire des acteurs du marché de l'art en France sous l'Occupation, Institut national d’histoire de l’art; Member of the CIVS)
- Yannick Simon (University Professor, Toulouse - Jean Jaurès University)
- David Zivie (Director of the Mission for the Research and Restitution of Cultural Property Looted between 1933 and 1945, Ministry of Culture)
On 4 and 5 April, the Music Museum is associated with lectures on string instruments provenance organised in Brienz, Switzerland.

Salle de conférence - Philharmonie
See the venueGetting here
Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B