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L'engagement social et culturel du musicien

The social and cultural commitment of the musician
Salle de conférence - Philharmonie
Duration: about 8h30


Languages: French and English (simultaneous translation)

Watch the conference here.

In a world shaken by crises of multiple forms, a new type of musical practice has emerged, which engages the professional musicians in actions aimed to have social impacts. Along with the 6th international SIMM-posium, it will bring together researchers as well as practitioners of social music programmes from different horizons (musicians, mediator, pedagogue...). It will focus on analysing related changes in the profession of musicians: which states of mind, practices, responsabilities and skills are being mobilised to be an art mediator and an activist for the human cause? 

Coproduction Philharmonie de Paris, Fondation Royaumont, SIMM (Social Impact of Making Music)


2 November 2021

9.30am – Greetings
9.45am – INTERVIEW with Catherine Simonpietri (Founder of the ensemble Sequenza 9.3) moderated by Laura Jouve-Villard

SESSION 1 : Musical interventions in a social context (10.15am – 11.15am)
President: An De bisschop
•     “The specific issue of musical intervention: between artistic approach, interaction and commitment” by Lise Renard (Université de Strasbourg, Anthropologist), Mélanie Rougeux (CFMI of Sélestat, Musician in social music projects), Marjorie Burger-Chassignet (Les Assemblées Mobiles, Choreographer), Abril Padilla (CFMI of Sélestat, Université de Strasbourg, Composer) and Chloé Frantz (CFMI of Sélestat, Permanent Professor, musician)
•    “The Impact of Social Inclusion Projects on Students in Higher Music Education” by Þorbjörg Daphne Hall (Iceland University of the Arts, Department of Music, Associate Professor)
•    “Musical intervention: Traditions, listening and subjectivities within a “beyond the walls” program” by Frédéric Trottier-Pistien (EHESS/CNRS, UMR 8131, Centre Georg Simmel, IRMM, Anthropologist)
•    “Planning for Hope: Music as an Object of Research and Practice in Peacebuilding” by Mareike Peschau (Sciences Po Paris, Graduate Student)
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (20 min)
11.15am – break

SESSION 2 : Social commitment of musicians: historical perspectives (11.45am – 12.30am)
President: Thomas Vernet
•    “The "so generous" art of Gustave Charpentier: social commitment, socialist ideals and music under the Third Republic” by Clément Noel (EHESS, PhD student, Conservatorio della Svizerra italiana – Lugano, Assistant Professor and Oboist of the Zurich Orchestra)
•     “Elsa Barraine: itinerary of a musical commitment (1937-1949)” by Cécile Quesney (Université de Rouen, GRHis, Musicologist) and Mariette Thom (Reporter)
•    “A world of red song? French song and the communist phenomenon in the 1960s-70s“ by Jedediah Sklower (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, IRMECCEN) 
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (15 min)
12.30am – 2.30pm – lunch break

SESSION 3 : Creating music in participatory context (2.30pm – 3.45pm)
President: Lukas Pairon
•    “The Social and Cultural Impacts of Heart-Centred Composers in Community Music” by  Fiona Evison (The University Of Western Ontario, Composer & PhD student in Music Education)
•    “Choral composition as musical social practice: Composer Reena Esmail’s Take What You Need in Los Angeles, California” by Patrick Murray (Choral conductor, composer; Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Toronto Scarborough, Teaching Faculty) 
•    “Shared creation”  by Bérangère Dujardin (HEMU Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne, HES assistant, Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale), Thierry Weber (HEMU Haute Ecole de Musique, Professor HES, Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale), Claire de Ribaupierre (La Manufacture, Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale), Jean-Daniel Piguet (La Manufacture, Haute écoloe spécialisée de Suisse occidentale), Emilie Raimondi (La Marmite) and Sarah Gay-Balmaz (HEMU Haute Ecole de Musique, HES assistant, Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale)
•    “Ethics and posture of "artist-mentors" in a collective music composition workshop in Montreal” by Emilie Gomez (University of Montreal – EPMM, Master Student)
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (35 min)
3.45pm – break

SESSION 4: SIMM (Social Impact of Making Music) Research: methods, politics and ethics 
(4.15pm – 6pm)
President:  John Sloboda
•    “The social impact of making music: research methodologies under the lens” by Graça Mota (Porto Polytechnic , CIPEM/INET-md, Senior Researcher)
•    “Researching music and societal impact: the importance of political awareness » by Juan Sebastian Rojas (Juan N Corpas University Foundation, Post-doctoral researcher) and An De bisschop (School of Arts-Royal Conservatory, University College Ghent, Lecturer Arts Education and Chair of the Educational Masters in the Arts)
•    “ “Social impact”: a wolf in sheep’s clothing? “ by Sari Karttunen (University of the Arts Helsinki, University Researcher)
•    “What constitutes “good” SIMM research? The ethics of studying Social Action through Music” by Geoff Baker (Royal Holloway, University of London, Professor of Music)
Papers (15min each) + Discussion (45min)

6pm – end of the day

3 November 2021

9.30am – KEYNOTE: "Sonic lieux de mémoire" by Laëtitia Atlani-Duault (Anthropologist, Research Director, CEPED, IRD, Université de Paris, President, Institut COVID19 Ad Memoriam, Université de Paris, IRD)

SESSION 5 : Community music projects (10.30am – 12.30pm)
President: Cécile Prévost-Thomas
•    “Community Music in Refugee Accomodations: Needs and Requirements after the Pandemic in Berlin” by Sean Prieske (Humboldt University of Berlin, PhD Researcher) 
•    “In/Outsider: Positioning the Musician-Researcher within Asylum Seeker Centres” by Ailbhe Kenny (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick, Senior Lecturer in Music Education)
•    “Flourishing in resonance: Promoting resilience through music and movement” by Georgia Nicolaou (AP University College - Belgium, Researcher at Royal Conservatoire of Antwerp)
11am – 11:30am – break
•    “Activities of the Musicians: Case of Lithuanian Community in Norway” by Vaiva Jucevičiūtė-Bartkevičienė (Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy - Lithuania, Associate Professor)
•     “From the Trobairitz de Mars to the VOC, a musician involved in the working class neighborhoods of the city of Marseille” by Marianne Suner (Vivier Opéra Cité (VOC), Founder Artist, Composer, Singer and Conductor)
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (40 min)
12.30pm – 3pm – lunch break

SESSION 6 : Music in detention (3pm - 4pm)
President: Lukas Pairon
•    “The experience and multi-faceted role of music practitioners working in probation settings” by Sarah Doxat-Pratt (University of Cambridge, Research Associate for Inspiring Futures at the Institute of Criminology)
•    “MULTICOLORS, Connecting People” by Dirk Proost (IN/OUT, Escape Through Art & Music Academy of Lier, Artistic Director & Contemporary Music, Free Music and Community Music teacher)
•    “Musician in prison: identities and positions” by Michael Andrieu (CFMI Ile-de-France, Pôle Sup 93, Professor of Musical Culture)
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (30 min)
4pm – break

SESSION 7 : The musician's profession in the face of social changes (4.30pm – 5.30pm)
President: Gilles Delebarre
•    “What the inter-trade partnership does to the profession of musician intervening within a Demos orchestra. The example of Démos Clermont-Ferrand” by Lorraine Roubertie Soliman (Clermont Auvergne University – France, ACTé lab (Activité, Connaissance, Transmission, Education), Postdoctoral fellow), Géraldine Rix-Lièvre (ACTé, UCA, Professeure des universités) et Georgiana Wierre-Gore (ACTé, UCA, Professeure émérite)
•    “How to be a music mediator? Logics of commitment, professional trajectories and employment frameworks in Quebec” by Irina Kirchberg (University of Montreal, Partnership Study in music mediation)
•    “Disrupting the role of the musician as a cultural civilizers and entertainers: Huasteco music culture bearers as border crossers” by Hector Vazquez-Córdoba (University of Victoria, Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement) 
Papers (10min each) + Discussion (30min)

17h30 – Summary & Conclusion
18h – End of the conference


Coproduction Philharmonie de Paris, Fondation Royaumont, SIMM (Social Impact of Making Music)

Salle de conférence - Philharmonie

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Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris