Vocal Concert
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Johann Sebastian Bach
Cantate "Singet dem Herrn ein Neues Lied" BWV 190
Motet "Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied" (BWV 225)
Cantate "Nun danket alle Gott" BWV 192
Motet BWV 230 Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden
Cantate "Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott" BWV 80
Ensemble Pygmalion
Raphaël Pichon, conducting
Joanne Lunn, soprano
Damien Guillon, viola
Thomas Hobbs, tenor
Benoît Arnould, bass
Alongside the celebrated motet 'Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied' – the pinnacle of choral art – Bach's cantatas ring out with the graceful splendour to which the Pygmalions are accustomed.
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
See the venueGetting here
Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B
221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris