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The Museum is closed for works during this period until November 4 ; the Metal exhibition remains open.

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Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

Prophecies Weekend
from 19 to February 21, 2022
All programming

Christus, trilogie sacrée

Résurrection & Ascension - Pygmalion - Raphaël Pichon - Bach
Vocal Concert
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Duration: about 1h25



Johann Sebastian Bach
Oratorio de Pâques BWV 249
So heb ich denn mein Auge sehnlich auf BWV 1088
Vergib, o Vater, unsre Schuld BWV 87 n°3
Oratorio de l'Ascension BWV 11
Pygmalion , choeur et orchestre
Raphaël Pichon , conducting
Julian Prégardien , ténor (Evangéliste)
Huw Montague Rendall , baryton (Jésus)
Ying Fang , soprano (Marie, femme de Clopas, une âme)
William Shelton , contre-ténor (Marie Madeleine)
Laurence Kilsby , ténor (un homme)
Christian Immler , basse (Pilate, Jean, une âme)
Bertrand Couderc , lumière

Three concerts in the form of a sacred journey: Ensemble Pygmalion, conducted by Raphaël Pichon, performs different ‘stations’ from Johann Sebastian Bach’s sacred music devoted to the figure of Jesus.


Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris

To leave after this concert

taxi G7