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The Museum is closed for works during this period until November 4 ; the Metal exhibition remains open.

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Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

Boston Weekend
from 15 to September 16, 2018
All programming

Liberty Tree

The Boston Camerata - Anne Azéma
Le Studio - Philharmonie
Duration: about 1h50 with 1 intermission



Liberty Tree : musiques et espoirs de la jeune république américaine (1770-1870)
1ère partie
2ème partie
The Boston Camerata
Camila Parias , soprano
Anne Azéma , mezzo-soprano, conducting
Deborah Rentz-Moore , viola
Timothy Leigh Evans , tenor
John Taylor Ward , baritone
Joel Frederiksen , bass, guitar
Jesse Lepkoff , flute
Eric Martin , violin
Reinmar Seidler , cello
Sarah MacConduibh , fifres
Paul Joseph , fifres
Andrea Wirth , percussion
Founded in 1954, the Boston Camerata is a leading ensemble of the early music scene. With Liberty Tree, they bring the soul of the American founding generation back to life through hymns, polyphonic songs, and ballads.

Le Studio - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris