Message d’information


The Museum is closed for works during this period until November 4 ; the Metal exhibition remains open.

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Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

Iran Weekend
from 26 to March 28, 2021
All programming

De Chirāz à Samarcande

Sahar Mohammadi - Yulduz Turdiyeva
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie


Sahar Mohammadi, song
Yulduz Turdiyeva, song
Siamak Jahangiri , ney
Ali Bahramifard. , santour
Ali Asghar Arabshahi. , tar, setar
Farhad Safari , tombak
Embracing a vast geographic and poetic landscape ranging from Turkmen culture to Persian culture, this concert showcases the presence—and resonance—of two great contemporary singers, Uzbek Yulduz Turdiyeva and Iranian Sahar Mohammadi.

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris