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Days Off
from 2 to July 13, 2022
All programming


1re partie : Lossapardo
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Duration: about 2h00

A rising star in British soul, Celeste will be performing the tracks of her first album, the sparkling Not Your Muse, on the big stage. Her voice, writing and style impart a rare elegance.

Celeste’s first album was released in January 2021 after several long months of waiting, pushed back on multiple occasions due to the pandemic. It was received with the awaited acclaim, given the success of her first songs. First spotted by BBC Radio 1 in 2016 for her single Daydreaming, Celeste took her time to write without pressure, regularly releasing new songs performed on increasingly impressive stages and picking up support from names as big as Michael Kiwanuka and Elton John on her way. Upon its release, Not Your Muse immediately landed at number one for album sales in the United Kingdom and was quickly nominated for several prestigious awards. This enthusiasm is well deserved, as the album is a collection of sumptuous songs imbued with the class of a pure and personal pen, skillful arrangements and a voice of a remarkable range reminiscent of Amy Winehouse and Adele. The ensuing timbre is slightly muted, for an impressive, serene, secure effect.

Opening act: Lossapardo

Artiste autodidacte aux multiples facettes, Lossapardo a appris seul à composer, en peinture et en musique. 

Au fil des années, Lossapardo a constitué sa propre palette : un singulier mariage de notes et de couleurs, dans des tonalités claires-obscures, idéales pour restituer toute la lumière du spleen. En découle une œuvre totale : de la musique (Home Alone, Sleep et Pause, ou encore le très récent Rush after midnight) aux séries de tableaux où il fige l’insoutenable langueur de l’être. Son parcours artistique reflète aussi ses déambulations : un matin, tôt, il est saisi par une placide lumière au Japon - elle inondera plusieurs de ses toiles. L’expérience se renouvellera, à Brooklyn, à Dakar, à Toronto où il croisera et composera avec d’autres artistes plasticiens ou musiciens. Partout aussi, on est conquis par sa sensibilité si poétique, par son talent synesthésique : ses illustrations s’invitent sur les pages du New York Times Magazine et du New Yorker. 


Celeste - Stop This Flame

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris