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During the summer

Exhibitions and the Philharmonie des enfants are open all summer. The Museum is closed for works during this period.

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Ivan le Terrible

Orchestre et Chœur du Théâtre Bolchoï de Russie - Tugan Sokhiev - Rimski-Korsakov
Concert Opera
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Duration: about 2h45 with 1 intermission



Musique de Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov
Livret de Nikolaï Rimski-Korsakov
Première partie
Deuxième partie
Orchestre et Chœur du Théâtre Bolchoï de Russie
Tugan Sokhiev , conducting
Stanislav Trofimov , Ivan le terrible
Denis Makarov , Youri Ivanovitch Tokmakov
Oleg Dolgov , Mikhaïl Andreïevitch Toutcha
Dinara Alieva , Olga Yourievna Tokmakova
Ivan Maximeyko , Boyard Nikita Matouta, Voix de garde
Nikolai Kazansky , Afanasy Vyazemsky, Yousko Velebine, Le Courier
Aleksander Borodin , Bomelius
Anna Bondarevskaya , Stepanida Matouta
Elena Manistina , Vlassievna
Svetlana Shilova , Perfilievna
Before Eisenstein and Prokofiev brought him to the big screen, Ivan the Terrible inspired Rimsky-Korsakov’s epic opera. Leading the Orchestra and the Choir of the Bolshoi Theatre, Tugan Sokhiev brings out its dramatic power.

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris

To leave after this concert

navette bus
taxi G7