Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

Elena Bashkirova

Piano Recital
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Duration: about 2h00 with 1 intermission



Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Fantaisie en ré mineur K. 397
Rondo en ré majeur K. 485
Robert Schumann
Sonate n°1
Piotr Ilitch Tchaïkovski
Album pour les enfants
Alexandre Scriabine
Sonate n°4
Elena Bashkirova , piano
Loyal member of Piano****, artist from the electronic repertoire Elena Bashkirova takes us to the tormented ground of Schumann’s First Sonata before taking on the Russian repertoire of which she is a devoted connaisseur.

Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris

To leave after this concert

navette bus