Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page


John Chest, baryton - Marcelo Amaral, piano - Julie Moulier, récitante
Amphithéâtre - Cité de la musique
Duration: about 1h30


Johannes Brahms
La Belle Maguelone


John Chest, baritone, Lauréat HSBC de l’Académie du Festival d'Aix
Marcelo Amaral, piano
Julie Moulier, narrator
Brahms’ lyrical work La Belle Maguelone is brought to life by singer John Chest, laureate of the Académie du Festival d’Aix, and actress Julie Moulier.  With pianist Marcelo Amaral, they paint a tale of love and adventure in full technicolour.

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris