Message d’information


The Museum is closed for works during this period until November 4.

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Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

from November 16, 2023 to June 4, 2024
All programming

Roses dans la nuit

Elsa Dreisig - Bertrand Chamayou - Beach, Bonis, Boulanger, Canal, Netzel, Strohl, Viardot
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique



Oeuvres d’Amy Beach, Mel Bonis, Nadia et Lili Boulanger, Marguerite Canal, Laura Netzel, Rita Strohl et Pauline Viardot
Elsa Dreisig , soprano
Bertrand Chamayou , piano

Elsa Dreisig is forced to withdraw from this concert. Therefore it is cancelled.

Bertrand Chamayou accompanies Danish-French singer Elsa Dreisig in this programme dedicated to female composition, produced with the support of Elles - women composers, a project born in 2020 to revive forgotten or little-known works by women.


Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris