Message d’information

During the summer

Exhibitions and the Philharmonie des enfants are open all summer. The Museum is closed for works during this period.

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Wagner Le Ring Weekend
from 22 to September 23, 2018
All programming

Comment Siegfried tua le dragon et caetera

Compagnie Le Piano Ambulant
Show for kids
for ages 7+, Families
Amphithéâtre - Cité de la musique
Duration: about 1h00


Compagnie Le Piano Ambulant
Sylvie Dauter , piano, orgue indien, harmonium, synthétiseur
Christine Comtet , flûtes, synthétiseur
François Salès , oboe,
Antoinette Lecampion , violin, organ
Joël Schatzman , cello
Charlie Adamopoulos , electric bass
Antoine Colonna , mise en son et dispositif MAO en temps réel
Six musician-narrators interpret the key moments of Richard Wagner’s epic cycle. A “pocket tetralogy” that immerses us into the composer’s magical and passionate world! Performance in French.

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris