Message d’information

During the summer

Exhibitions and the Philharmonie des enfants are open all summer. The Museum is closed for works during this period.

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Philharmonie de Paris - Home Page

Indonesia weekend
from 17 to March 19, 2023
All programming

Ombres épiques

Théâtre d’ombres wayang kulit de Bali
Show for kids
for ages 6+, Families
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Duration: about 1h00


Jro Wayan Kartu , conteur-marionnettiste dalang
Troupe Jaya Semara Wati de Sebatu
Gamelan Semar Pagulingan heptatonique
Quatuor de Gender Wayang
Kati Basset , presentation

The magnificent shadow puppetry of Indonesia, wayang kulit, recognised by UNESCO as a masterpiece of the heritage of humanity, takes the stage in Ombres épiques, an enchanting show sure to delight spectators of all ages.


Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris