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Concerts & Shows
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Concerts & Shows
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Concerts & Shows calendar
Orchestre de Paris
Face to face
Boulez | 100
Little big festival
Concerts in the Grande Salle
Discovery selection
24/25 season
Chamber music
jazz • pop • rock • chanson
World music
Concerts & Shows calendar
Access to nearly 700 concert videos viewable for free, including fifty full concerts!
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See the Orchestre de Paris website
Resident orchestras
Orchestras from all around the world
Museum & exhibitions
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Museum & exhibitions
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Schedule of visits and exhibitions
Ravel Boléro
Exhibition from December 3, 2024 to June 15, 2025
Exhibition until August 17, 2025
Discover the Musée de la musique
Tours and activities
Concerts in the collections
Permanent collection
A trip to the museum is a musical experience !
Schedule of visits and exhibitions
Conservation and research
Conserving, restoring and broadening knowledge
Discover our missions
Online collections and archives
Browse our archives: instruments photos, recordings, videos…
Explore the collections
Books of the museum
Exhibitions catalogues, instrument monographs, essays and children litterature
To the bookshop
Workshops & culture
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Workshops & culture
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Activities calendar
Activities - Adults
Workshops for adults
For Professionals
Masterclasses, showcases and competitions
International lutherie competition
Conferences & Meetings
The Rendez-vous
Key regards
Pre-concert Talks
Conferences & Meetings
Activities calendar
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Online Resources
Videos & Archives
Philharmonie on demand
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For Kids
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Family concerts
Visits of the museum
The Philharmonie des enfants
Family & children calendar
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Opening hours
Subscriptions and discounts
Discover the Philharmonie
Restaurants and Bars
selected language : English
Concerts & Shows
Getting here
Opening hours
Subscriptions and discounts
Discover the Philharmonie
Restaurants and Bars
Concerts & Shows calendar
Orchestre de Paris
Face to face
Boulez | 100
Little big festival
Concerts in the Grande Salle
Discovery selection
24/25 season
Chamber music
jazz • pop • rock • chanson
World music
Concerts & Shows calendar
Access to nearly 700 concert videos viewable for free, including fifty full concerts!
Watch a concert
See the Orchestre de Paris website
Resident orchestras
Orchestras from all around the world
Museum & exhibitions
Getting here
Opening hours
Subscriptions and discounts
Discover the Philharmonie
Restaurants and bars
Schedule of visits and exhibitions
Ravel Boléro
Exhibition from December 3, 2024 to June 15, 2025
Exhibition until August 17, 2025
Discover the Musée de la musique
Tours and activities
Concerts in the collections
Permanent collection
A trip to the museum is a musical experience !
Schedule of visits and exhibitions
Conservation and research
Conserving, restoring and broadening knowledge
Discover our missions
Online collections and archives
Browse our archives: instruments photos, recordings, videos…
Explore the collections
Books of the museum
Exhibitions catalogues, instrument monographs, essays and children litterature
To the bookshop
Workshops & culture
Getting here
Opening hours
Subscriptions and discounts
Discover the Philharmonie
Restaurants and bars
Activities calendar
Activities - Adults
Workshops for adults
For Professionals
Masterclasses, showcases and competitions
International lutherie competition
Conferences & Meetings
The Rendez-vous
Key regards
Pre-concert Talks
Conferences & Meetings
Activities calendar
Découvrir les éditions
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Online Resources
Videos & Archives
Philharmonie on demand
For Kids
Getting here
Opening hours
Subscriptions and discounts
Family concerts
Visits of the museum
The Philharmonie des enfants
Family & children calendar
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from (dd/mm/yyyy)
and/or choose a moment
during the day
in the evening
on weekdays
during the weekend
Filter the calendar
Type of events
Concerts & Shows
Music Making & Learning Workshops
Orchestre de Paris
Conferences & Meetings with artists
Key Regards
Introduction to Music Making
Symposiums, study days and seminars
The Rendezvous
Pre-concert sessions
More types of events
Up to €20
Up to €30
Up to €50
More than €50
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Amphithéâtre - Cité de la musique
Le Studio - Philharmonie
Salle de conférence - Philharmonie
Musical genre
Contemporary Music
World Music
Ancient & Baroque
Recital & Chamber Music
More musical genres
Families, children ages up to 6
Families, children ages 7-11
Families, children ages 12+
Mental disabilities
Physical disabilities
Visual impairment
Hearing disabilities
Persons with reduced physical mobility
Les arts florissants - Lamentazione
Mike Patton
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
L'Epopée mandingue
Week-end Orchestres de Paris
Week-end Orchestres en fêtes
Pierre-Laurent Aimard
Klaus Mäkelä
Jerusalem Festival
Days Off
academy of 20th century music
outdoors concerts
voices of the XXth century
Robert Schumann - John Eliot Gardiner
aspects of the baroc opera
African voices
great inventions
Conservatoire de Paris
opera in concert
French harpsichord
italian groups
Rising Stars
Marseille on stage
the composer and his time
Tchaïkovsky experience
carte blanche à Yuri Bashmet
organ musics
Karlheinz Stockhausen
London Symphony Orchestra
music and space
musics for lute
cuban musics
La Villette jazz festival
three chinese religion musics
Gershwin non-stop
Ensemble Inter Contemporain
Pierre Boulez
Vuillaume violins
central asian musics
hommage to Olivier Messiaen
Corsica and sardian voices
middle age musics
dansing musics
Jean-Sébastien Bach
Brasilian musics
river words
Beethoven experience
la Villette jazz festival
orchestra residence
Corean virtuosos
around Tabea Zimmermann
the poet and his twin fellow
the Mandingue
Marocan music brotherhood
Villette crossway for young people
Britan voices
Turkey classicals and folks musics
hungaries variations
cello musics
the three Easters
romantic piano
Brazil Villette latitudes
Orchestre de Paris solists
Vienna's school
music masters
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
Orfeo ed Euridice
Dragon's voice
old music
XXth century sounds
Piano sonates Beethoven
Argentina's tango
musician workshop
27 orders
X ray museum
Mahler experience
latino jazz
David Robertson E.I.C
passion figures
Malagasy musics
Péter Eötvös E.I.C
carte blanche à Magnus Lindberg
jazz et musiques nouvelles
cité chansons
Jonathan Nott E.I.C
flamenco 2002
2 orchestra concert
feeling invention
Yo-Yo Ma & silk way
Markus Stenz E.I.C
Vietnam music
European choirs
C.O.E XXth
Latitudes Villette Maghreb
Jazz at la Villette
Private property Myung-Whun Chung
Wolfgang Rihm Cycle
Arnold Schoenberg +
Jimi Hendrix
Electric Body
Transcription 1
French Czech week-end
Garden of voices
Transcription 2
Bernd-Aloïs Zimmermann Cycle
Private property Martial Solal
Domenico Scarlatti sonatas
Pierre Boulez Cycle
North India 1
Les Percussions de Strasbourg
Franz Schubert sonatas
North India 2
Private property Heinz Holliger
Didier Lockwood
Mahler/Ligeti Cycle
Vocal art meeting
P. Herreweghe
Virtuosités 1
Virtuosités 2
The Museum instruments 1
W. Shorter
The Museum instruments
Middle Ages 1
Georges Aperghis +
Middle Ages 2
Ivan Fedele +
Nocturnes 1
P. Eötvös
Nocturnes 2
Rising star
New York New York 2004
Fête de la musique 2004
Jazz 2004
My World
Stockhausen: from Beethoven to digital music
Music and the Third Reich
Purcell: theatre, court, chapel
Lyrical drama
Protest songs
Militant faith
Beethoven/ Shostakovich
The urban blues
The Museum instruments
Pure music, committed music
Martyrs and heroes
Kurdish destinies
From the court to public concerts
MPB Popular Brazilian Music
Kagel and Romanticism
France's quest for its identity
Gipsy jazz
Emigrations Varèse, Bartok, Xenakis
Klezmer music
Chopin faced with exile
Young soloists 2005
Biennial of Vocal Art
Jazz at La Villette 2005
Life and death
2nd String Quartet Biennial
Lost cultures
Rediscovered cultures
Lachenmann / Mozart
Ecstasy and trance
The classical model
Melting pot
Female figures
The 1950s
Young soloists 2006
Jazz at La Villette 2006
Tales of Journeys
Modern Times
Bach / Handel
New York
Young soloists on tour
Rihm/Fabre - I'm a mistake
The Eastern slave route
Sea voyages
Medieval Pilgrimages
Baroque Europe
Imaginary Cities
Baroque Carnival
Rome 1700
South Africa
Inner Paths
3rd Biennial of Vocal Art
Jazz at La Villette 2007
Bach / Gardiner
Sacred and Profane I - Genesis
Music and Light - The Triumph of Reason
René Jacobs' World
Sacred Africa - Burundi Drums
When the Saints - From Gospel to Soul
Wagnerian Visions
Reich / Korot - The Cave
Daily Rituals
The Spirtual in Art - Around Pierre Boulez
Young Soloists
Sacred and Profane II - Promised Lands
Third String Quartet Biennial
Bruckner Messiaen
Mozart - Don Giovanni
Spiritual Unity - Mystic Jazz
New World -Caribbean
New World - Jesuits and Amerindians
Utopias and Reality
Open Day
The Organ - From Liturgy to Electro
Pierre-Laurent Aimard's World
Jerusalem - The Three Religions
Diamanda Galas
Sacred and Profane III - The Last Judgement
Black Masses
Présences Radio France
God and the Devil
Ravi Shankar
Rites and Sacrifices
John Zorn's World
Sufi Night
Jazz à la Villette
The Divine Comedy
L'Inde : la nuit , le jour
La Mesure du temps
Les Saisons
Elliott Carter
Beethoven / Debussy
Carl Craig
Les Années Gainsbourg 1
Domaine privé Ton Koopman
COE/Mitsuko Uchida
Le Temps du récit 1
Jazz Standards
Mythes aztèques et mayas
COE/Vladimir Ashkenazy
Le Modèle Lully
Weekend Bach
Solistes d'aujourd'hui / solistes de demain
John Eliot Gardiner
La Fin du temps
COE/Hélène Grimaud
Le Temps de la danse
Erik Satie
Les Années Gainsbourg 2
Visions du baroque
Répéter / Varier 1
La Grande Nouba
Domaine privé Pascal Dusapin
Répéter / Varier 2
Formes brèves / formes longues
COE/Pierre-Laurent Aimard
1830, Paris
Warp 20
Les Querelles du passé
Grisey / Rameau
COE/Semyon Bychkov
Quatrième Biennale d'art vocal
Domaine privé Marianne Faithfull
1989, Berlin
Jazz à la Villette
Domaine privé Gustav Leonhardt
Arthur H
Babel : la diversité des langues
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Stravinski / Xenakis : Citoyens du monde
Schumann Lieder
We want Miles
Abd Al Malik
Le baroque revisité, les arts flo fêtent leurs 30 ans
Les Nations
Identités hongroises
Les routes de l'Orient
Enno Poppe
Guerre et Paix
We want more Miles
Private Domain
4ème biennale, quatuors à cordes
Next generation
Thomas Fersen
Berliner Philharmoniker
L'orchestre laboratoire
Chopin l'européen
Domaine privé John Adams
Multimédia et temps réel
Une île, un monde : la Réunion et Mayotte
Planète Terre
Domaine privé Air
Tristan Murail
Le continent indien, de la tradition à bollywood
Jazz à la Villette
Nina Hagen
Prophéties, messianisme
Sénégal, mythes et réalités
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Les Ballets russes
Lénine, Staline et la musique 1
Nan Goldin & The Tiger Lillies
Orchestre de Paris
Les musiciens de Brecht
Einstürzende Neubauten
Le jardin d'Eden
L'art total
Bach / Gardiner
Les héros
Chamber Orchestra of Europe
Lénine, Staline et la musique 2
L'art de transmettre
Patti Smith
Festival de Jérusalem
Réel / virtuel
Barbara Carlotti
Le paradis
Le rêve américain
Pascal Comelade
Liszt / Nono
Berlioz Euphonia
Brassens ou la liberté
Menahem Pressler
Les Indes baroques
Lang Lang
Le pacifisme
Beethoven visionnaire
Dave Douglas
L'oeuvre ouverte
Steve Coleman
La science-fiction
Mare nostrum
Villette Sonique
5e Biennale d'art vocal
Festival Days Off
Le Grand Ramdam
Jazz à la Villette
Passions, le désordre amoureux
The Irrepressibles, nude
Pasion flamenca
Les larmes
Wagner Ring Saga
Steve Reich, pulsations
Paul Klee, polyphonies
Ryuichi Sakamoto
Domaine privé Hélène Grimaud
La mélancolie
Masculin / Féminin
Renaud & Gautier Capuçon, Semyon Bychkov
Rituels, la vie, la mort
Zita Swoon, Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker
La folie
Matthias Goerne, J. S. Bach
Nouvelles générations
5e Biennale de quatuors à cordes
Amadou & Mariam, Éclipse
L'esprit Debussy
The Tiger Lillies, Low Life Lullabies
Des pieds et des mains
Thomas Quasthoff
Jason Moran, Monk at townhall
Bob Dylan, revisited
Bojan Z
Passions, le sang du Christ
Nora Gubisch, Ensemble intercontemporain
Danses de fertilité, Mozambique
Schumann / Kyburz
Alain Altinoglu, Orchestre de Paris
Monstres et vampires
Paul Agnew, Les Arts Florissants
Villette Sonique
Cambodge, les esprits
Philippe Manoury, réel, virtuel
Domaine privé Joshua Redman
Fête de la musique
René Jacobs
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Mémoires au présent : l'Algérie
Bach / Kurtág
Pierre Henry
Django Reinhardt
Alexandre Tharaud
Intégrale Schumann : Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Domaine privé : Marc Minkowski
Rosemary Standley : Songbook
Mémoires au présent : l'Arménie
Paul Agnew : Les Arts Florissants
B. A. C. H.
Gérard Pesson / Alexandre Tharaud
John Cage Revisited
Florent Marchet : Noël's Songs
Contes et féeries
Nouvelles générations
Académie : Maria-João Pires
Revus et corrigés
Claire Diterzi : Le salon des refusées
En boucle
Katia & Marielle Labèque : Minimalist Dream House
Mémoires au présent : L’Andalousie gitane
Paavo Järvi / Orchestre de Paris
Berliner Philharmoniker
Domaine privé : Laurie Anderson
Musique et cinéma
Luca Francesconi
Sir John Eliot Gardiner : Marathon Bach
Schönberg / Stravinski
Domaine privé : Kaija Saariaho
Trevor Pinnock / Maria-João Pires
La musique pendant l'Occupation
Semyon Bychkov / Lisa Batiashvili
Emprunts et citations
Villette Sonique
6e Biennale d’art vocal
Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui / Shantala Shivalingappa
Mémoires au présent : Les Balkans
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Alexandre Astier
Turbulences (du 18 au 20 octobre)
Jaap Van Zweden / Hilary Hahn
Debussy / Dufourt
François-Xavier Roth / Karlheinz Stockhausen
Domaine privé Alexandre Tharaud
6è Biennale de Quatuors à cordes
Dominique A / Y revenir
La nature du son
Les arts florissants / Airs Sérieux et à boire
Jeunes générations
La nuit
Les arts florissants / Madrigaux (Livre VI)
Turbulences (du 7 au 9 février)
Domaine privé / Etienne Daho
Teodor Currentzis / Anna Prohaska
Mozart enfant
Johann Sebastien Bach - Les Tempéraments
Vladimir Jurowski / Christian Tetzlaff
Wagner / Stockhausen
John Coltrane / A love supreme revisited
Tempêtes et tremblements
African Remix
Turbulences (du 11 au 13 avril)
Orchestre de Paris / Paavo Järvi
Domaine privé Henri Dutilleux
Made in China
Semyon Bychkov / Renaud Capuçon
Les arts florissants / Madrigaux (Livre VII)
Villette Sonique
Visions du monde
René Jacobs / Orlando
São Paulo / Rio de Janeiro
Festival Days Off
Festival Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Guerre et Paix 1
Guerre et Paix 2
Guerre et Paix 3
Weekend Open House
Weekend New Waves
Weekend India
Weekend Wonder
Weekend Celebrating Orchestras
Weekend Love Stories
Weekend Large Scale
Weekend David Bowie
Weekend Let’s Dance
Weekend Pierre Boulez
Weekend Brad Mehldau
Weekend Vienna and Berlin
Weekend Sketches of New York
Weekend Musical Theatre
Weekend To Paco de Lucía
Weekend Science Fiction
Vocal Art Biennale
Weekend New Worlds
Weekend Amateur Practice
Jazz à la Villette
Week-end Arvo Pärt - Orchestre de Paris
Week-end La Ville
Week-end Dialogue des cultures
Week-end Turbulences numériques
Week-end Chagall et la musique
Week-end Jacques Higelin
Cycle Beethoven
Week-end A Bamako
Week-end Musiques à l'image
Week-end Contes et féeries
Week-end Au temps de Louis XIV
Week-end A Oum Kalthoum
Week-end A Edith Piaf
Week-end Remix
Biennale de Quatuors à cordes
Week-end Stockhausen
Week-end Orgues
Week-end Italie - Orchestre de Paris
Week-end Avishai Cohen
Cycle Figures féminines
Week-end Los Angeles
Week-end Passions
Week-end Musique de Pâques
Week-end The Velvet Underground
Week-end Vents
Week-end Musiques arabes
Week-end The Velvet Underground 2
Week-end Fantastique
Week-end Ciné Kids
Week-end Amateurs
Week-end Portes ouvertes
Days Off
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Faust Weekend
Bryce Dessner Counterpoints Weekend
Nuit Blanche Weekend
Jazz Songs Weekend
Ludwig Van Cycle
Dances Weekend
East West Weekend
Steve Reich Unlimited Weekend
Ludwig Van Weekend
Tharaud / Rachmaninoff Weekend
Music in images Weekend
Portrait of John Adams Weekend
Happy Holidays Weekend
Now Weekend
Vocal Art Biennial
Dolce Vita Weekend
Celtic Weekend
Mozart Weekend
African Queens Weekend
EIC 40 Weekend
Scenes from America Weekend
Zorn by Zorn Weekend
Easter Weekend
Jamaica Weekend
Week-end Bobby McFerrin
Arabian Nights Weekend
Amateurs Weekend
Divas Weekend
Play Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Stravinsky Ritual Weekend
Monteverdi Trilogy Weekend
Music in Image Weekend
Weekend inspired by Shakespeare
Nuit Blanche
Barbara Weekend
Happy Birthday Sgt. Pepper Weekend
Pascal Dusapin Weekend
Fantastic Weekend
Sleep Weekend
The Organ Weekend
Montreal Weekend
Fairy tales Weekend
String Quartet Biennial
Debussy 100 Weekend
Hitchcock Weekend
China Weekend
Yael Naim Weekend
Haendel Week-end
Birds Weekend
Wagner Ring Weekend
Flash Bach Weekend
Arabic Music Weekend (1)
Dominique A Weekend
I Got Rhythm Weekend
Leonard Bernstein Weekend
Arabic Music Weekend (2)
Amateurs Weekend
Romantic Germany Weekend
Dreams of Orient Weekend
Comic book scene Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Biennale Pierre Boulez
Boston Weekend
Wagner Le Ring Weekend
Frank Zappa Weekend
Nuit Blanche
Japan Weekend (1)
Spirit Weekend
Complete Gesualdo madrigals
Musicals Weekend (1)
War and Peace Weekend
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker Weekend
Debussy / Ravel Weekend
Music in Image Weekend
Robert Doisneau Weekend
Emergences Weekend
Musicals Weekend (2)
Star Wars series
Complete Beethoven sonatas
Berlioz Weekend (1)
Fais-moi peur Weekend !
Lieder Weekend
Berio+ Week-end
Complete Weinberg quartets
Japan Weekend (1)
Mahler Weekend
Syria Weekend
The Night of the Nightingale
Orgues Weekend
Budapest Weekend
The Labèque Way Weekend
Rêve électro Weekend
Rachmaninov Weekend
Cuba / Africa Weekend
Cirques Weekend
Philip Glass / Passages Weekend
Berlioz Weekend (2)
Amateurs Weekend
Jazz en VF Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Final Week-end
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Danny Elfman Weekend
Saint Petersburg Weekend
Les Rita Mitsouko Weekend
Key Regards
Nuit blanche
Charlie Chaplin Weekend
Complete Gesualdo madrigals
Complete Beethoven sonatas
Iceland Weekend
Versailles dream Weekend
Pierre Henry Weekend
Glass / Reggio Weekend
Orchestra festival: Events for families
Arts FLo 40 Weekend
Rokia Traoré Weekend
String Quartet Biennial
Elles Weekend
100 % Beethoven Weekend
Beethoven and modernity Weekend
Mahmoud Darwich Weekend
Steve Reich Weekend
Moscow Weekend
The Night of the Nightingale
Weill / Brecht Weekend
Picasso Weekend
Passions Weekend
Africa Weekend
Max Richter / Yulia Mahr Weekend
Chills Weekend
Amateurs Weekend
Pat Metheny Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Joe Hisaishi Weekend
The Beatles Weekend
Nuit Blanche
Lusitania Weekend
Beethoven complete strings quartets
Complete Gesualdo madrigals
Key Regards
Jean-Michel Jarre Weekend
African Orchestras Weekend
Nico Muhly Weekend
Beethoven variations Weekend
Eros Weekend
Tango Weekend
2nd Pierre Boulez Biennial
Lieder and songs
Women in jazz Weekend
Organs Weekend
China (1)
Enfantillages Weekend
Chucho Valdés Weekend
Women in music Weekend
French music Weekend
Iran Weekend
Stravinsky Festival
Amazonia Weekend (1)
China (2)
Futurism Weekend
Amazonia Weekend (2)
Space Weekend
Amateurs Weekend
Large-scale Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Days Off
Key Regards
Jazz à la Villette
Jane Birkin Weekend
Gustav Mahler Weekend
Complete Brahms Symphonies
Nuit Blanche
Jazz XL Weekend
Yoann Bourgeois
American Pioneers Weekend
Stockhausen Weekend
Chucho Valdés Weekend
Nino Rota Weekend
Teodor Currentzis Weekend
Greece Weekend
Leonard Bernstein Weekend
String Quartet Biennial
Portugal Weekend
Prophecies Weekend
La Maestra
Nouvelle vague
Iannis Xenakis Weekend
Bach solo
Joe Hisaishi Weekend
Tango Weekend
Amateurs Weekend
African Orchestras Weekend
Démos Orchestras Weekend
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Uzbekistan weekend
Nuit blanche
Fela Anikulapo-Kuti
Key Regards
Modern Jazz Quartets weekend
Animal musicians
‘Les six’ at the cabaret
Organs weekend
Ligeti 100 weekend
New wave
San Francisco
Indonesia weekend
Amateurs, you say ? weekend
Boulez biennial
Space weekend
Futurism weekend
Wynton Marsalis
Days Off
Jazz à la Villette
Rugby weekend
John Zorn
Jeanne Added
Bach solo
Oxmo Puccino
La Mestra
The little big festival
Le printemps du bal
Cultural Olympics
In C
Démos orchestras
Days Off
Chants libres
Jazz à la Villette
Cultural Olympics
Mahler Perspectives
In Natura
Caroline Shaw
William Christie | 80
Milestone anniversaries
Rule of Three
Vivaldi | Quatre Saisons
Umm Kulthum
Face to face
Boulez | 100
Little Big Festival
ECM explorations
Goldberg Variations | Jean Rondeau
Days Off
Les Prem’s
The Sufi Spirit
The Paths of the Viol
The Thousand and One Nights
24h de Libé
Louis Couperin / Jean Rondeau
EIC & Friends / Calixto Bieito
Ryoji Ikeda
12th String Quartet Biennial
La Musikfest
Massilia sounds
La Maestra
The petit grand festival
Philharmonie Generation
Video Games
Mask sold-out events
Workshops for kids & families
Symphonic music
Workshops for kids & families
Symphonic music
Mask sold-out events
Type of events
Type of events
Concerts & Shows
Music Making & Learning Workshops
Orchestre de Paris
Conferences & Meetings with artists
Key Regards
Introduction to Music Making
Symposiums, study days and seminars
The Rendezvous
Pre-concert sessions
Musical genre
Musical genre
Contemporary Music
World Music
Ancient & Baroque
Recital & Chamber Music
Moment de la journée
Moment de la journée
during the day
in the evening
on weekdays
during the weekend
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Amphithéâtre - Cité de la musique
Le Studio - Philharmonie
Salle de conférence - Philharmonie
Up to €20
Up to €30
Up to €50
More than €50
Mental disabilities
Physical disabilities
Visual impairment
Hearing disabilities
Persons with reduced physical mobility
Jours suivants