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During the summer

Exhibitions and the Philharmonie des enfants are open all summer. The Museum is closed for works during this period.

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Saint Matthieu / Herreweghe

Collegium Vocale Gent - Bach
Vocal Concert
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Duration: about 3h00 with 1 intermission



Johann Sebastian Bach
Passion selon Saint Matthieu
Première partie
Seconde partie
Collegium Vocale Gent
Philippe Herreweghe , conducting
Reinoud Van Mechelen , tenor, (Evangéliste)
Florian Boesch , baritone, (Jésus)
Dorothée Mields , soprano
Grace Davidson , soprano
Tim Mead , contre-ténor
James Hall , contre-ténor, (Témoin I)
Samuel Boden , tenor
Guy Cutting , tenor, (Témoin II)
Peter Kooij , bass, (Pierre, Pontife I)
Tobias Berndt , baritone, (Judas)
Philipp Kaven , baritone, (Pilate, Pontife II)
Chiyuki Okamura , soprano, (Ponce Pilate, Servante I)
Magdalena Podkoscielna , soprano, (Servante II)
Reputed Bach specialist Philippe Herreweghe, at the head of the Collegium Vocale Gent plus a quartet of high-flying soloists, performs the St Matthew Passion by the ‘Cantor of Leipzig’.


Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris

To leave after this concert

taxi G7