Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
Duration: about
Répertoire traditionnel yiddish
Le Choffar
George Gershwin
I gotta right to sing the blues
Répertoire traditionnel yiddish
Rozhinkes mit mandlen Abrahm Goldfaden**
Ukrainian Memory**
Harold Arlen
Happy as the day is long
paroles Ted Koehler
If I only had a brain
paroles Edgar Yipsel Harburg
George Gershwin
paroles Ira Gershwin
The man I love
paroles Ira Gershwin
Get happy
paroles Ted Koehler
Harold Arlen
Stormy Weather*
paroles Ted Koehler
Leonard Bernstein
Take Care of this House
Richard Rodgers
My Funny Valentine
paroles Lorenz Hart
Jerry Bloch
Tanz : Assidic Dance/Sunrise, Sunset/Bublitchki*
Leonard Bernstein
Spring will come again
Irving Berlin
Alexander's Ragtime band
Répertoire traditionnel yiddish
Lew Pollack
A Yiddishe Mame**
George Gershwin
I got rythm/Rhapsody in blue
paroles Ira Gershwin
Harold Arlen
Over the rainbow**
paroles Edgar Yipsel Harburg
Répertoire traditionnel yiddish
Roumania Roumania**
Leonard Bernstein
Something's coming
Sholom Secunda
Bey Mir Bist du Sheyn*
*arrangements Cyrille Lehn/**Yann Ollivo
Sirba Octet
Isabelle Georges, song, claquettes
Richard Schmoucler, violin 1
Laurent Manaud-Pallas, violin 2
Claude Giron, cello
Bernard Cazauran, doublebass
David Gaillard, viola
Philippe Berrod , clarinet
Christophe Henry, piano
Iurie Morar, cymbalum

Salle des concerts - Cité de la musique
See the venueGetting here
Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B
221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris
To leave after this concert
navette bus