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The Museum is closed for works during this period until November 4 ; the Metal exhibition remains open.

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Hofesh Shechter

LIGHT: Bach dances
Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie
Duration: about 1h30



D'après les Cantates de Johann Sebastian Bach
Hofesh Shechter , artistic conducting, chorégraphie
John Fulljames , artistic conducting
Lars Ulrik Mortensen , musical conducting, organ
Tom Scutt , décors et costumes
Paule Constable , conception lumière
Concerto Copenhagen
Hofesh Shechter Company
Robinson Cassarino , danse
Chieh-Hann Chang , danse
Frédéric Despierre , danse
Rachel Fallon , danse
Emma Farnell-Watson , danse
Natalia Gabrielczyk , danse
Adam Khazhmuradov , danse
Yeji Kim , danse
Rosalia Panepinto , danse
Jill Su-Jen Goh , danse
Niek Wagenaar , danse
Mary Bevan , soprano
Jennie Lomm , soprano
Chisa Tanigaki , soprano
Mia Bergström , contralto
Kristin Mulders , contralto
Gerald Geerink , tenor
Zahid Siddiqui , tenor
Jakob Bloch Jespersen , bass
Yannis François , bass

With LIGHT: Bach dances, a monumental new work inspired by Bach’s cantatas, Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter stages a stunning celebration of life with a masterful mix of dance, theatre and music.

Note to audience: This show includes real life testimonies of people facing death. We thank them deeply for their sharing.
Heartfelt thanks to: Vicky Bartlett, Denise Bates, Johanne Dal-Lewkovitch, Jean Fawcett, Barry Gladwin, Nathan Johnson, Mogens Krabek, Anne Skjelbo.

Coproducers: Royal Danish Theatre, Hofesh Shechter Company
Winner of the FEDORA - VAN CLEEF & ARPELS Prize for Ballet 2020
The collaboration with Concerto Copenhagen is supported by Augustinus Fonden

Coproduction Théâtre de la Ville (programmation Hors les murs), Philharmonie de Paris

In partnership with


Hofesh Schechter - « Light : Bach Dances »

Grande salle Pierre Boulez - Philharmonie

See the venue

Getting here

Porte de Pantin station
Paris Underground (Métro) Line 5
Tram 3B 


221 avenue Jean-Jaurès, 75019 Paris